In this edition the book has been considerably augmented and revised,with the assistance of L.P.Potaevskil throughout. New xections have been added on the magnetic properties of gases,the thermodynamics of a degenerate plasma,liquid crystals,the fluctuation theory of phase transitions of the second kind,and critical phenomena.…… 此書為英文版。
目錄: Preface to the third Russian edition From the prefaces to previous Russian editions Nolation Ⅰ.THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS 1.Statistical distributions 2.Statistical independence 3.Liouvilles theorem 4.The significance of energy 5.The statistical matrix 6.Statistical distributions in quantum statistics 7.Entropy 8.The law of incrcase ofentropy 、.THERMODYNAMIC QUANTITIES 9.Temperature 10.Macroscopic motion 11.Adiabatic processes 12.Pressure 13.Work and quantity of heat 14.The heat function 15.The free energy and the therrnodynamic potential 16.Relations between the derivatives of thermodynamic quantities 17.The thermodynamic scale of temperature 18.The Joule-Thomson process 19.Maximum work 20.Maximum work done by a body in an extemal medium 21.Thermodynamic inequalities 22.Le Chateliers principle 23.Nemsts theorem 24.The dependence of the thermodynamic quantities on the number of particles 25.Equilibrium of a body in an extemal field 26.Rotating bodies 27.Thermodynamic relations in the relativistic region Ⅲ.THE GIBBS DISTRIBUTION 28.The Gibbs distribution 29.The Maxwellian distribution 30.The probability distribution for an oscillator 31.The free energy in the Gibbs distribution 32.Thermodynamic perturbation theory 33.Expansion in powers of fi 34.The Gibbs distribution for rotating bodies 35.The Gibbs distribution for a variable number of particles 36.The derivation of the thermodynamic relations from the Gibbs distribution 、.IDEAL GASES 37.The Boltzmann distribution 38.The Boltzmann distribution in classical statistics 39.Molecular collisions 40.Ideal gases not in equilibrium 41.The free energy of an ideal Boltzmann gas 42.The equation of state of an ideal gas 43.Ideal gases with constant specific heat 44.The law of equipartition 45.Monatomic ideal gases 46.Monatomic gases.The effect of the electronic angular momentum 47.Diatomic gases with molecules of unlike atoms.Rotation of molecules 48.Diatomic gases with molecules of like atoms.Rotation of moleculcs 49.Diatomic gases.Vibrations of atoms 50.Diatomic gases.The effect of the electronic angular momentum 51.Polyatomic gases 52.Magnetism of gases Ⅴ.THE FERMl AND BOSE DISTRIBUTIONS 53.The Fermi distribution 54.The Bose distribution 55.Fermi and Bose gases not in equilibrium 56.Fermi and Bose gases of elementary particles 57.A degenerate electron gas 58.The specific heat of a degenerate electron gas 59.Magnetism of an electron gas.Weak fields 60.Magnetism of an electron gas.Strong fields 61.A relativistic degenerate electron gas 62.A degenerate Bose gas 63.Black-body radiation 、.SOLIDS 64.Solids at low temperatures 65.Solids at high temperatures 66.Debyes interpolation formula 67.Thennal expansion of solids 68.Highly anisotropic crystals 69.Crystal lattice vibrations 70.Number density of vibrations 71.Phonons 72.Phonon creation and annihilation operators 73.Negative temperatures 、.NON-IDEAL GASES 74.Deviations of gases from the ideal state 75.Expansion in powers of the density 76.Van der Waals formula 77.Relationship of the virial coefflcient and the scattering amplitude 78.Thermodynamic quantities for a classical plasma 79.The method of correlation functions 80.Thermodynamic quantities for a degenerate plasma 、.PHASE EQUILIBRIUM 81.Conditions of phase equilibrium …… Ⅸ.SOLUTIONS 、.CHEMICAL REACTIONS 、.PROPERTIES OF MATTER AT VERY HIGH DENSITY Ⅻ.FLUCTUATIONS 、.THE SYMMETRY OF CRYSTAL.S 、.IV.PHASE TRANSITIONS OF THE SECOND KIND AND CRITICAL PHENOMENA ⅩⅤ.SURFACES Index