《生活漢語隨學隨用》以日常生活為主題,內容涉及基本社交類、生存類、社會活動類、個人信息類、描述和表達五方面,較全面地介紹了日常生活中實用性較強的漢語句型和詞語,另外向讀者提供了一些典型的語法項目和常用俗語,以豐富讀者的日常交際語言。 Easy Daily Chinese focuses on topics of everyday life and contains 5 modules: basic social encounters survivals social activities personal information describing and expressing. It gives an comprehensive introduction to Chinese sentence patterns and expressions with strong practicability and provides some typical grammatical items and common sayings to promote readers' everyday communicative ability. Although it tries to cover all daily basic expressions there could be negligence inevitably. Advice is appreciated for further revision.