

作者:劉軍茹     整理日期:2018-11-15 09:58:24

  到過中國的外國人,不僅常常驚嘆于中國各地食品種類之繁多,而且更加艷羨中國菜口味的變化多端。盡管各地菜肴的口味不同,但“色香味”俱佳的菜品準則是一致的。講吃福的中國人,在日常生活中處處體現(xiàn)著吃的樂趣、吃的悠閑,追尋著中國人自己的“吃的藝術(shù)”。這種飲食文化對于世界多元文化的影響已經(jīng)遠遠超過了飲食本身。foreigners who have been to china not only marvel at the numerous types of chinese local foods, but also admire the changeful tastes of chinese dishes. though dishes in various areas have different tastes, “good colors, smells and tastes” are pursued for all dishes. chinese people set great store by enjoyment of good foods, demonstrating joyful and leisurely eating in all aspects of daily life and pursuing their own “art of eating.” this eating culture’s influence on the world’s diversified cultures is far beyond eating itself.
  關(guān)于飲食,中國有一句流傳甚廣的俗語——“民以食為天”,足見“吃”在中國人生活中的重要地位。中國人重視吃,也會吃。到過中國的外國人,不僅常常驚嘆于中國各地食品種類之繁多,而且更加艷羨中國菜口味的變化多端。盡管各地菜肴的口味不同,但“色香味”俱佳的菜品準則是一致的。講吃福的中國人,在日常生活中處處體現(xiàn)著吃的樂趣、吃的悠閑,追尋著中國人自己的“吃的藝術(shù)”。這種飲食文化對于世界多元文化的影響已經(jīng)遠遠超過了飲食本身。there is a widespread saying about foods and drinks in china – “food is the first necessity of the people.” it shows the important place of “eating” in chinese people’s life. chinese people pay attention to eating and know how to eat. foreigners who have been to china not only marvel at the numerous types of chinese local foods, but also admire the changeful tastes of chinese dishes. though dishes in various areas have different tastes, “good colors, smells and tastes” are pursued for all dishes. chinese people set great store by enjoyment of good foods, demonstrating joyful and leisurely eating in all aspects of daily life and pursuing their own “art of eating.” this eating culture’s influence on the world’s diversified cultures is far beyond eating itself.

上一本:當代中國系列叢書 下一本:當代維京文化


