本套叢書從人文視角對西藏的歷史、宗教、文學、藝術、民俗進行精當展示,獨到解讀、描繪西藏風土人情和文化風貌,向國內外讀者展示西藏魅力。各分冊在內容上較多吸收了相關領域*研究成果,注重講故事,雅俗共賞。 西藏文學源遠流長,是西藏獨特的歷史文化魅力標志性符號。西藏文學與西藏歷史、宗教和藝術相互交融,同時也是中國文學的明珠。本書闡述了藏族口傳文學、書面文學以及介于兩者之間的文類的形成和發(fā)展歷史,呈現(xiàn)了各種藏文學形式中所蘊涵的藏民族的生活、思想和審美觀念,是千百年來中國西藏歷史的真實見證。 Having a long history, Tibetan literature is a symbol of unique historical culture and charm of Tibet. The Tibetan literature is in harmony with the Tibetan history, religion and art, and is known as the “pearl” of Chinese literature. The book gives an introduction to oral and written Tibetan literature genres as well as the establishment and development history of other compositions that fall in between these genres. It presents the Tibetan life, thoughts and aesthetic ideas implied by the Tibetan literary forms, serving as a testimony to China’s Tibetan history for thousands of years.