ALEXANDER FRASER TYTLER,LORD WOODHOUSELEE,author of the present essay on Translation,and of various works on Universal and on Local History,was one of that Edinburgh circle which was revolving when Sir Walter Scott was a young probationer.Tytler was born at Edinburgh,October 15,1747,went to the High School there,and after two years at Kensington,under Elphinston-Dr.Johnson's Elphinston-entered Edinburgh University(where he afterwards became Prolessor of Universal History).He seems to have been Elphinston's favouritepupil,and to have particularly gratified his master,“the celebrated Dr.Jortin”too,by his Latin verse. 1791年,英國愛丁堡大學歷史學教授亞歷山大·弗雷澤·泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler 1747-1814)在其所著的《論翻譯的原則》(Essay on the Principles of Translation)一書中提出了著名的“翻譯三原則”,標志著西方譯學研究從此走上了從理論推證理論的道路。故而,將《論翻譯的原則》譽為西方現代譯學研究的開山之作并不為過。 在國內學界,“翻譯三原則”幾乎人人耳熟能詳,正如嚴復的“信、達、雅”一樣如雷貫耳。但遺憾的是,國內讀過原著者寥寥,學界不得不轉來轉去地二手引用。希望本書的出版有助于研究者養(yǎng)成讀原著的習慣。