

作者:(美)喬恩·赫德     整理日期:2021-11-15 16:16:52

  喬恩·赫德著的《生于中國(英文版)》講述:Filmmaker and author JohnHelde knew for years that hiswhite American father was bornin China - but beyond that hisdad's past was a mystery. Born inChina tells the little-known storyof expatriate American childrengrowing up in pre-Mao Chinaand the cultural and politicalexperiences that shaped theirlives. Sons and daughters of early-twentieth century missionariesthese Americans were raised farfrom home in a country rockedby disaster and political chaos.They lived with a foot in twocultures speaking Chinese as afirst language and growing toadulthood as war and unrest tookover China and the world. Whenthey finally arrived ”home” manyfound America to be the foreigncountry.
  Setting off on a journey to uncoverhis father's childhood Heldeencounters a cast of thoughtfuland resilient Americans whoseties to China made them who theyare. Blending interviews lettersand photographs with Helde'snarrative voice Born in Chinapaints a vivid portrait of a uniqueAmerican experience and oneson's quest to understand it all.

上一本:世界名校大淘課 下一本:三十歲來不及領(lǐng)悟的道理


